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A Columbus Academy Update – A Check-In with Amy and Andrea – Ep. 703

Today’s show rundown:

Mark starts out talking Russia and Biden. Mark believes Biden is deliberately goading Putin to attack this country with Cyber Attacks. Chuck believes the more chaos and things our administration can be involved in, the less time we sped talking about their utter failures. Our government is setting us up with more “let the Govt. come in and save us” …as far as all the utilities in the US.

So many long time Democrats and Liberals don’t even recognize their party any longer. But it’s not their fault, the Democratic Leadership is not Liberal any longer, they are Communist, Socialist, they left the people. Chuck talks about shutting down the oil fields, and how Biden makes mistake after mistake. Russia is nothing more than a giant gas station, we are 3rd in line as far as oil importer from Russia, Putin is loving this.

We are re-introduced to our guests for the day, Andrea and Amy, the two moms from the Columbus Academy. The Moms tell us about the current standing of their lawsuit. The hardest part for them right now is just getting the curriculum. It is not available for parents to see. Mark and Chuck dig into talking all things Frankfurt School, history and CRT.

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