Today’s show rundown:
Mark kicks us off today good buddies. Joe is back wheeling an 18-Wheeler, back behind the wheel of the big rig. He just did another speech where he gave a story where he talks about driving a truck. Biden then told a bizarre story about a truck driver named Big Momma, and how he used to talk to Big Momma on the CB Radio when he was a trucker. What Mark want’s people to pay attention to is the detail of his lies. The way that Biden goes into great detail on all his lies is abnormal behavior. When the White House was questioned about the Presidents past employment as a Trucker…we learn that Joe once drove a school bus for a short. summer time job.
Today’s health section – each week we are trying to give you info on a break through in science, or something you can actually go out and do TODAY. So the topic for today is something called Nitric Oxide. This is a little molecule in your body in your body that can communicate to other molecules in your body – it tells your blood vessels to relax and open up. This can help for blood pressure, and heart function.
We meet our guest today Paul Bradley. He talks a little about his past, where he came from, and tells us how he fell in love with Crypto. Chuck wants to know about why the price of Bitcoin has been hovering in the 30K to 40K range, and Chuck asks our guest to tell us a bit about Bitcoin. Paul tells us hindsight is 20/20 when you talk about money you could have made in the past. Better to have it than to not have it from a conservative minded investment strategy.
Over time, Bitcoin / Lightcoin – there are only so many made – you can see where more people wanting Bitcoin, and more industries wanting to use it will drive the price up. Paul believes that there are 4 year cycles as far as growth for Bitcoin. Mark’s Crypto guy says that Bitcoin will go to 120K over time, Paul says thats a safe bet.
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