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Blunt Force Truth’s Election Day Message – Episode 377

Chuck and Mark share their thoughts on today’s elections across the nation, and they offer a reminder of what is a stake. They start off by discussing how the Midterms are supposed to be local elections but have become more like a national election. Chuck explains why the polls are not worth watching and how many of the races are much closer than the polls show.

From here, they continue to explain what the Democrats are going to do if they win the elections. They discuss how the left will normalize events like those with Brett Kavanaugh. Chuck explains how the nation has been divided for many years, which is being furthered by Democrats. This has been their goal during the months leading up to election day.

They also discuss that the Constitution is what we are fighting for in today’s election and the push forward with socialism that was started by Obama. They explain how Democrats will continue their investigations and progressive agenda, which includes extreme gun control.

They finish up be discussing some specific races and what some Democrat are planning to do, if they take control. Chuck and Mark also offer their own predictions on what the outcome will be from today’s election.

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