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Carona Fascism – An Interview with Alu Axelman – Ep. 667

Today’s show rundown:

Chuck has heard all the back and forth with the Build Back Better…this is what we are up against – everyone who is lying to you, is claiming that you are lying. Has the MS Media re-defined the word lie? The Corona Virus bill for instance…10% of this bill is for Corona and true, but 90% of that bill is NOT about Corona, and a lie, how can this be? The perfect lie…just enough to “Billboard” the bill, 10%…but 90% is what they are really trying to do.

Mark talks about Satan and lying…the Devil is most dangerous when he is the Angel of Light. Real lies have a little bit of truth in the lie, a little nugget. Biden has completely abandoned this…he is willing to look right into the camera and lie without ANY NUGGET of truth at all. Biden Twitter account – if he is posting these himself, he not only has dementia, but he has schizophrenia. Biden says Republicans are playing some dangerous game of chicken NOT supporting raising the debt limit. Government is just trying to make government larger by stripping private rights, and taking more control.

We get to meet our guest today All Axelman. Mark introduces the book that All has written. We get Alu’s thoughts on the government using the CDC as a tool to do whatever they want. If we allow the government the ability to take away all of our freedoms based on the word “Health” they are going to do the same thing again…global warming, gun violent, racism – these will be the NEXT Epidemics.


Elliot “Alu” Axelman lives with his wonderful wife, Kate in southern New Hampshire. Though raised as a conservative, Alu became increasingly libertarian as he learned more about how government operates. As he became more involved in political analysis via his writing, podcasts, videos, and activism, Alu evolved into a voluntaryist – which means that he totally rejects the use of force against peaceful people, even by government agents. Outside of his full-time job (emergency medicine) and his full-time labor of love (supporting freedom), Alu enjoys power-lifting, boxing, BJJ, traveling, teaching, and recently began trying his hand at piano and saxophone.

Professionally, Alu is a critical-care and flight certified paramedic, which is the highest level of certification that a pre-hospital medical provider could attain. He has worked in emergency medical services since 2011 and is a Field Training Officer and adjunct instructor for all levels of EMS students. Alu’s experience includes service to a multitude of municipalities as the primary 911 ALS response ambulance, and service to a multitude of hospital systems as an inter-facility specialty care paramedic, often utilizing ventilators, IV pumps, advanced airways, and managing cardiac arrests.

About the Guest’s book:

How dangerous is the coronavirus really? How contagious is it? How have total death rates not increased if the virus is the deadliest disturbance in the history of humanity?

Sociopaths in Washington DC and their cronies in the ‘private’ sector, seized the opportunity that COVID presented and used that narrative to support their mission and accelerate their goals: destroy our freedom, eliminate our privacy, and enrich themselves and their allies. This book uses data and logical reasoning to destroy the mainstream talking points that cultivated the age of perpetual paranoia and the widespread acceptance of corona-fascism.



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