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Deviant Behavior, the New Norm? – Ep. 800

On Today’s Episode –

God save the Queen mannnn. Biden is beyond embarrassing, and it just keeps getting worse. You don’t get younger, and as you get older it gets worse. Chuck doesn’t think Biden is running for President again. And with Hunter off the hook now, the Left will say “It’s Over”. On this show though, over 6 mos ago, we predicted that Hunter would plea to lesser charges, and that a plea deal would be done before he ever got to court, and that is exactly what he did.

Mark was in Chicago over the weekend and tells a story about a doorman and the Chiccago Police. Mark also believes legalizing narcotics, gambling and booze everywhere is a way of distracting people. These all make people more compliable, easier to manage. We are actively dumbing down the American populace. 0 percent of all men who would be of military age could not pass the physical requirements right now to get in.

Chuck says China is collapsing due to low birth rate. The 1 child law has their population on the downward slope, and it is dangerous folks. Why do Democrats not care if their leaders are not coherent? From Biden, to Harris, to Federman, Feinstein – these people are so far gone that when they speak, the things that come out of their mouths are insane. The guys dive into some other topics on the state of our Country in these new, strange times – tune in.

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