On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark are joined by Rachel Bruno to discuss her battle with Child Protective Services.
Today’s show rundown:
- Some of the latest news from the cancel culture mob
- Rachel’s story of fighting the wrongdoings of Child Protective Services
- The lawlessness and corruption with Child Protective Services and family court
- Some of the ongoing issues with the Child Protective Services
- Why Child Protective Services is another example of why our government is too big
- The absence of due process in family court
More about Rachel Bruno:
Rachel Bruno is a wife to her husband of 17 years, and a mom to two vivacious little boys. She has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration, and co-founded a successful Cyber Security firm in 2010.
As a business and Communications Specialist, her goals were to start a business, and become financially independent so she could raise her family. Things drastically changed in the summer of 2015, shortly after the birth of her second child.
After 4 years of fighting for justice, Rachel has become a public speaker and writer. Her focus is on educating citizens while being a voice for those who have been victimized by the unconstitutional vices of Family Court and Child Protective Services. This is the story of an American family who had to fight with everything they could muster, just to stay together.
Connect with Rachel Bruno:
Website: www.rachelbruno.com
Twitter: @rachelbruno1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rachelbrunospeaks
Instagram: @rachelbrunospeaks
Parler: @rachelbruno
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