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Go Woke, Go Broke – Ep. 792

Today’s show details

Mark is off at a meeting in Chicago today, so Producer Matt is here with Chuck. We start out talking about Budweiser pivoting from a Trans Man on Bud Light back to the Clydesdales. What in the world do they have in mind. Millions of dollars lost, and people speaking with their wallets showed the power of the dollar. This is how it always been, start off with a small fraction group of people, forcing us to believe in things we do not believe in. Has anyone and Budweiser been held responsible for these losses. This leader over there who approved the marketing plan is untouchable, they can’t remove her or she will sure for millions.

Who is forcing these companies to “put their best foot forward”? Who is making companies go Woke, is some of this self inflicted. Are the conspiracy theories being proven to us real time? Psy-Ops are a real thing, and many of the CEO’s of these big companies are ex CIA/FBI and other 3 letter Government agency employees.

How’s Trump doing in NYC? Chuck does his diligence watching MSNBC for us all, and it is just so biased it is nauseating, but he has to sit through it for us, to see what they are saying. Our media is so left handed there is no space for anything that is on the right, NOTHING. The Left is doing everything they can to keep him from running. Even though there is a side that keeps saying that they want him to run saying Joe Biden can beat him. Tune in for the rest of the show.

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