On this episode of Blunt Force Truth, Chuck and Mark talk about What is real and what is NOT real.
Today’s show rundown:
- Chuck goes in on how so many things we are being led to believe are just not true
- The mixed messages are just astounding
- Is there a nefarious purpose behind all of this
- Mark defines “Availability Bias” – that what we hear most, we tend to believe
- How there are no laws in place to show that systemic racism is real
- FBI estimating that there are only 6,000 people who are members of a white sumpemacy organizations. Out of a nation of 330 Million People
- Redefining the language has always been the plan to take power
- John Kerry – talking to the Iranians about Strikes in Syria
- Helping a child is one thing, Using an elected office to hid a child’s Crimes is another story
- Polls show that 75% of Americans are FOR some sort of State or Federal identification in order to vote
- Court Packing and expanding the Supreme Court
- Money is a Magnifier – if you were a bad person broke, you will become a REALLY bad person with Money.
- Mark talks Tony Robbins, and some past stories about giving
- New IRS data shows that Democrats are the Party of The Rich
- Tell a lie often enough and it will become a truth
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