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Making an Impact with Congress – an Interview with Lobbyist Brian Trascher – Episode 334

Brian Trascher is a lobbyist based out of New Orleans with an office in Washington, D.C. On the podcast, he talks about how what he has learned in his profession can help the average citizen make an impact in government.

Trascher talks about how he found himself in his profession and reveals some of the things he’s seen working closely with Congress. The consider the impression that many people have of lobbyists, which can be problematic. Trascher explains why lobbying can’t ever be banned and how it can be an important part of the political process.

Trascher describes some things that people can do to get their voices heard by their government representatives.

About the guest:

Brian S. Trascher is a New Orleans businessman who has helped to bridge the divide that often exists between business and politics. As a Senior Partner at Gulf South Strategies, a local governmental relations and business development firm, Brian has worked to give both access and a voice in local and state government to a diverse roster of clients that spans everything from local non-profit organizations to multi-billion-dollar corporations on the Fortune 500 list. Gulf South Strategies is also the firm largely credited as the political force that paved the way for Uber Technologies’ recent entrance into the Louisiana market.

As the Principal of Laws and Sausage, LLC, Brian S. Trascher delivers keynote speeches about the public policy process to corporations and trade organizations. Brian also offers corporate consulting and training through the Laws and Sausage Citizen Advocacy Workshop. In 2017, Brian published “Laws and Sausage: You Never Want To See Either One Get Made!” The book is now available on in paperback and Kindle.

Follow him on Facebook.

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