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A sanctuary within a sanctuary

Turnabout is fair play, and when the game of disregarding higher authority begins, the tumbling dominos ensue.  Perhaps some clarity will manifest as to why this game from the left should never have been started.  Perhaps the left will notice.  Maybe the politicians who promote defiance of established law will detect that their absurdities may not be final, but instead initiate defiant chain reactions.

Effingham County, in the heart of rural Illinois, has declared itself a sanctuary for gun owners.  And why not?

The Chicago Tribune reports;

The County Board on Monday passed the resolution on an 8-1 vote and directed employees not to enforce new Illinois laws that would “unconstitutionally restrict the Second Amendment.

This comes as a breath of fresh air and welcome punctuation to the idiotic unconstitutional machinations of the left.

Like nesting eggs, areas in California and now Illinois remain bound to the rule of law yet reside within larger political regions choosing to defy higher authority.  Many municipalities in self-declared “sanctuary states” are standing up and adhering to the supremacy of federal law and constitutional guidelines. […]

See the full story here.

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