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AG Barr offers big reveals on Spygate prosecutions

I know that a lot of people are skeptical that justice ever will be done in Spygate, the attempted sabotage of a presidential campaign and presidency by a leadership cabal within the intelligence apparatus of the United States.  But the wheels of justice grind slowly because there are a lot of is to be dotted and ts to be crossed, so to speak, for the convictions to be obtained and upheld.

Last night, Laura Ingraham broadcast the second part [i] of an interview with Attorney General Barr in which he made some significant points about what is ahead for that cabal, in very general terms, of course.  Sometimes, he is so economical and subtle that the significance of his remarks is not immediately obvious to all.

William Barr chooses his words very carefully and is systematic (among the traits that made him a super-lawyer), so it is always worthwhile examining them closely and putting things together.

Fortunately, two knowledgeable observers have offered exegeses today that are worth reading.

Read the full story from American Thinker

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