The Detroit Free Press published an opinion piece from Christina Wyman, who’s described as “an adjunct professor at Michigan State University,” as well as the co-editor (as Christina Berchini) of an anthology rejoicing under the unwieldy, identity politics name, Whiteness at the Table; Antiracism, Racism, and Identity in Education. In her editorial, Wyman tries to argue that it’s not enough for white people to confess their sins; instead, they must act. Instead, though, she reveals herself to be a bully, an ignoramus, and a hypocrite.
Wyman opens with the standard Maoist confession: She’s white, she lives in a white neighborhood, and she enjoys all the benefits flowing from white privilege — “too many privileges to count and many of which I do not consciously know.” Right off the bat, if they’re your privileges, and you don’t know what they are after years of self-reflection, are you sure you have them, or are you just boasting?
Next, Wyman claims that the Black Lives Matter movement )the same one that has destroyed cities, laid black communities to waste, and spread the Wuhan virus far and wide) is a “sexy topic,” and very “seductive, intoxicating and consuming” — but that’s just not good enough. In the Church of Black Lives Matter, confession without action is meaningless. Nevertheless, she continues confessing.
Read the full story from American Thinker
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