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Anonymous posters at University of Michigan target Asian Trump supporter as ‘white supremacist’

Trump supporters facing hate from “inclusive” and “tolerant” liberals in academia is nothing new, but it’s now apparently evolved into personalized posters targeting individual students at the nation’s top universities.

Kathy Zhu, an “independent thinker” who attends the University of Michigan, shared her experience on campus in a Twitter post Tuesday.

“This has been posted around my school at @UMich,” Zhu tweeted along with a picture of the poster.

Paper, taped in a wall, includes a picture of Zhu wearing a red Make America Great Again hat, and an image of right-wing rioters in Charlottesville, Virginia carrying torches. The message read: “Michigan, We have white supremacists on campus. They can be dangerous.”

“This is complete slander and incites violence against me,” Zhu posted to Twitter. “Being a trump supporter does not make me a white supremacist. I’m also Asian if you SJWs can’t tell.”

Read the full story from The American Mirror

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