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Bernie “Women Fantasize About Rape” Sanders Demands FBI Check Kavanaugh’s Respect for Women in High School

Just when you think Senate Democrats can’t get any lower in the sewer they’re clambering into, they bring out Bernie Sanders.

The socialist grifter took a brief break from a hard regimen of renaming post offices, campaigning for anti-Semites and employing family members to… demand that the FBI investigate whether Brett Kavanaugh respected women in high school and drank on the weekdays.

No, really.

“In order for the FBI investigation regarding Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to be complete, it is imperative the bureau must not only look into the accusations made by Dr. [Christine Blasey] Ford, Deborah Ramirez and Julie Swetnick, it should also examine the veracity of his testimony before the Judiciary Committee,” Sanders wrote in the letter.

Sanders, who tweeted the letter Saturday morning, wrote on Twitter, “Lying to Congress is a federal crime. … Kavanaugh’s truthfulness with the Senate goes to the very heart of whether he should be confirmed to the court.”

Here are some things that Sanders would like a closer look at.

Kavanaugh claimed he didn’t drink on weeknights but an entry on his calendar for Thursday July 1 states, “Go to Timmy’s for Skis w/ Judge, Tom, Pj, Bernie, Squi.” Kavanaugh clarified to Sen. Booker that “Skis” referred to beer. Was Kavanaugh’s original statement truthful? (10/10)

Judge Kavanaugh testified he treated women “as friends and equals” and “with dignity and respect.” Numerous entries in his school yearbook would seem to contradict this. Was Judge Kavanaugh’s statement to the committee truthful? (8/x)

Read the full story from Front Page Mag

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