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Black Lives Matter Harassment of Ordinary People is Starting to Backfire

If you like your Maoist cultural revolution, you can keep it.

You’ve probably seen the videos going around of D.C. diners being harassed by mostly white leftists who demand that they pledge their support of Black Lives Matter.

This is the kind of tactic that BLM has been running ever since it got started. They call it invading white spaces, but this time it backfired.


1. The people they’re harassing are not suburbanites in Wisconsin or Illinois, they’re upscale white progressives in a government city. And the harassers are largely white.

2. Americans, even lefties, have their limits when being harassed, intimidated, and terrorized.

That’s reflected in the viral Washington Post story which, for the first time for the Bezos paper, broke the embargo on negative coverage of BLM. And it’s the responses that are telling.

Read the full story from Front Page Mag

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