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Blunt Force Truth Host Embarrasses Senator Kamala Harris

BFT co-host Mark Young recently took to Twitter to give California Senator and presidential hopeful Kamala Harris a lesson in constitutional law.

The freshman senator and former California Attorney General tweeted about her understanding of the three functions of government.


Young followed up with a scorching response explaining to the Senator that she was indeed completely wrong on her so-called description of government.


Young: “Senator Harris is an attorney, either she has no understanding of the constitutional law or she is deliberately misleading the public in an attempt to appeal to low information voters. No matter which answer is correct, it is bad news for California.”

Young’s assault on Kamala Harris’s credibility continued with her recent tweet regarding the Affordable Care Act.

Young also called out Kamala Harris for using the recent wildfires in California as a way to gain political favor and to pander to the illegal alien population.



The fact is Senator Harris sees herself as the embodiment of Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton and is on the list of Democratic hopefuls for the 2020 presidential race.

We all know the problems that California has due to progressive politicians. The last thing we need is these spreading nationwide.




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