I thought it was satire, something cooked up by his political enemies.
You couldn’t put out a less attractive video than the one Gavin Newsom did for illegal immigrants on Twitter, advising them himself on how to obstruct ICE from any deportation maneuvers. And sure enough, he wasn’t hacked, it really was blue-checked him.
CA will always defend the rights of our immigrant communities.
If ICE agents show up at your door, know your rights:
-You do not have to open the door—you have the right against unlawful searches.
-You have the right to speak to a lawyer.
-You have the right to remain silent. pic.twitter.com/wNokTSPdhD
— Gavin Newsom (@GavinNewsom) June 22, 2019
Leave aside the fact that he’s the governor of a U.S. state, supposedly there to represent the interests of that state’s citizens, rather than those of the foreigners who come here without papers, quite illegally, and run up the tab using his state’s services. They’re his constituents, too now, in fact, the ones whose interests he chooses to represent over those of the voters (oh wait…). He’s acting as Their Lawyer now, advising them how to thwart ICE like some National Lawyers Guild activist in how to obstruct the feds legally.
It’s also actually insulting to voters. Newsom cited Proposition 187 in the 1990s as something “we’ve been through before,” as if to say that voters never approved this measure to keep illegals from using “free” U.S. services, until it was overturned by the courts. […]
Read the full story from American Thinker
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