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Delusional Bernie Sanders thinks he’s in charge of dealing with a global crisis

Responsible for climate change’s global warming with his hot-air theorizing while others work, the pompous, delusional Senator Bernie Sanders (ostensibly representing Vermont as an independent but running to be the Democratic nominee for president of the United States) must also believe he is premier of China.  Or confuses losing a series of primary elections with winning the election for U.S. president.  Or…

When asked by CNN reporter Manu Raju “about his timeframe for making a

decision” about continuing his quest for the Democratic presidential nomination after his disastrous showing in Tuesday’s elections, Sanders exploded:

Sen. Bernie Sanders grew angry when asked about his campaign plans.  During a gaggle with reporters in the Capitol, I asked Sanders about his timeframe for making a decision, and he lashed out: “I’m dealing with a f—— global crisis.  You know, we’re dealing with.”

Startled by his response, Raju continued tweeting sympathetically:

I noted he’s running for president, and he said: “Well right now, right now I’m trying to do my best to make sure that we don’t have an economic meltdown and that people don’t die.  Is that enough for you to keep me busy for today?”

Read the full story from American Thinker

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