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Democrat State Representative Says Men Should Be Castrated to End Abortions, Taxed to Store Their Sperm

Democrat Illinois state Rep. Dianne Pappas believes that the answer to preventing abortions is that men should be castrated and charged to store their sperm.

Pappas had met with pro-life critics of the Reproductive Health Act, one of whom recounted the meeting and her statements on the Wayne Township Republican website.

“We tried to keep politics out of this equation, as we were here to represent the parish members for Pro-Life. I personally, introduced myself as a business owner, who is a licensed insurance agent. Two minutes into the discussion, she revealed her views on the topic and how we won’t be able to change her mind,” Jackie Hayden wrote.

“Her eyes connected with mine and she said, ‘You know ladies, with […]

Read the full story from The Gateway Pundit

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