William Buckley once said he would rather be governed by the first 2,000 people in the Boston phone book than the entire Harvard faculty.
After watching the October 15 Democratic Party presidential candidate debate, I would rather have as president any of the first 2,000 in any phone book in any city in the USA than the present weird bunch of Democrats.
Joe Biden is out of it. He said “coupon-clippers in the stock market” should pay the same tax rates as teachers and firefighters. The “coupon-clippers” are primarily those who buy municipal bonds that are tax-free. The interest is tax-free to induce investors to buy bonds floated by cities, school districts, and states to fund public projects. Maybe Biden doesn’t know this. And he doesn’t know that the tax rate on taxable dividends and interest is the[…]
Read the full story from The American Thinker
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