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Democrats Are Ready to Trash the Second Amendment

Early in October, famed pro-Second Amendment researcher Dr. John Lott released an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal warning about Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s gun control proposals.

Lott listed off some of Biden’s anti-Second Amendment policies that he plans on pushing if elected:

Joe Biden’s campaign website contains a long list of gun-control proposals: national gun licensing; red-flag laws, which let judges seize guns without a hearing or mental-health evaluation; and bans on semiautomatic guns that look like military weapons.

However, one gun control strategy that Biden is pursuing that many gun rights activists overlook is his proposal to subject gun manufacturers to civil liabilities if the guns they sell are involved in accidents, crimes, or suicides. In other words, people would have the ability to sue firearms manufacturers and sellers if any of their firearms are used in any of the aforementioned incidents.

Read the full story from Big League Politics

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