On Friday, I heard Sen. Dick Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, say it would be a tragedy if Congress didn’t pass a funding bill to keep the government open.
Which is a load of forked-tongue hypocrisy. I have never heard Durbin say that it is a tragedy:
That so many politicians and bureaucrats are destroying jobs and businesses in the private sector. For nine months businesses and individual lives in the private sector have intentionally been destroyed and the Democrats support the continued intentional destruction. They claim that their lockdown decisions are based on science, but we repeatedly see that is a lie. Durbin and other Democrats support non-essential workers losing their jobs and paychecks. The lockdowns are causing great harm to the poor, the middle class, minorities, the less educated, women, and small businesses. Democrats pretend to care about these groups when they beg for votes.
That schools remain closed despite scientific evidence that they should be open. The poor, minorities and special needs kids are being permanently harmed. Democrats claim they care about the kids and science, but they support the politicians who are keeping schools closed.
Read the full story from American Thinker
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