It doesn’t get worse for a leftist when even CNN is warning that your “economic solution” to the economic problems you’ve laid out are going to destroy the economy.
Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren came out with a big, serious-looking economic plan intoning about a coming economic crash, her own supposed ability to forecast such things, and then calling for free college, a soaring minimum wage, more Dodd-Frank regulations on big bad banks, and lots of free stuff. It ran at the top of the screen on RealClearPolitics yesterday afternoon, suggesting it’s something likely to be talked about.
Christina Alesci, a plain-vanilla CNN “politics and business correspondent” (not one of those politicized talking heads — an actual reporter), blew the whole thing out of the water:
Here’s the Grabien transcript:
KING: “Senator Elizabeth Warren out with a new warning today. She says an economic crash is coming. She also claims she has a plan that could prevent it. In a new ‘Medium’ post, the 2020 presidential contender writes, ‘I warned about an economic crash years before the 2008 crisis, but the people in power wouldn’t listen.’ […]
Read the full story from American Thinker
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