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Fake News Debunked: Senate Intel Report Found NO EVIDENCE Russia Hacked the Vote in 2020

A newly-invented Russophobic trope that has circulated throughout the fake news over the past week is the notion that Russia hacked all 50 states during the 2016 election cycle based off of the findings in a Senate Intelligence report, implying that their interference was the reason Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton.

News entities such as the New York Times, Esquire, PBS NewsHour, CNet, Daily Beast, Yahoo News, and many others have ran misleading headlines to gin up the Russian threat. Some have claimed that Russians “hacked” all 50 states, others say they “targeted” all 50 states, but the narrative is clear: Be very, very afraid of the evil Rooskies, and their threatening behavior against our democracy.

Left-wing journalist Michael Tracey, who is one of the few liberals with the courage to speak truth to power regarding the Russian collusion hoax, cited the report itself to expose the dirty tricks of the smear merchants in a series of tweets.

Read the full story from Big League Politics

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