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Father Handcuffed, Arrested for Playing Tee Ball with Wife and Daughter in Public Park

Matt Mooney, a 33-year-old father and resident of Brighton, Colo., was accosted by police in a public park and restrained with handcuffs for playing tee ball with his wife and 6-year-old daughter on Sunday afternoon.

Mooney told his story to the FOX31 Problem Solvers and believes he is entitled to an apology because of the cruel mistreatment he received from these uniformed thugs on a coronavirus-enabled power trip.

He described the shocking and traumatizing ordeal that his young daughter was forced to go through because of the government overreach.

“She’s like, ‘Daddy, I don’t want you to get arrested.’ At this point I’m thinking, ‘There’s no way they’re going to arrest me, this is insane.’ I’m telling her, ‘Don’t worry, Daddy’s not going to get arrested. I’ve done nothing wrong. Don’t worry about it,’ and then they arrest me,” Mooney told FOX31.

Read the full story from Big League Politics

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