Former New Black Panther Chairman and Nation of Islam acolyte, Malik Shabazz, is back in the news. He’s the president of the Black Lawyers for Justice and a community organizer as well. He’s also a stone cold racist black nationalist with a long, well-documented history of violently anti-Semitic remarks and accusations about the inherent evil of white people. This time he is demanding that President Trump fork over reparations for slavery or designate territory solely for African-Americans – specifically, the state of Florida.
“We must have reparations, full compensation for the theft of our land, the theft of our bodies, the theft of our people from Africa, the theft of our dignity; the desecration of our souls decade after decade after decade after decade. As I said, we don’t want your food stamps. We don’t want no government handout. We don’t want to be trying to fix up some paperwork so I can get Social Security. We want our own. Donald Trump, you don’t want us? You don’t want to be around us? Hot dammit, I don’t want to be around you,” Shabazz said during a “Save Our Sons: Stop the Killing” and “Condemn Donald Trump” National Black Men’s Convention march and rally outside of the White House on Saturday organized by the National Black Men’s Movement.
He went on: “We want land. We want our own. You don’t like us, Mr. Trump? Break us off some of this territory. You don’t like us, Mr. Trump? You don’t want to be around us? Then hand over the state of Florida,” he added. “You don’t want to be around us – make a trade. Give me Georgia. Give me Alabama. Give me South Carolina.” Hate to break it to this moron, but he’s not getting a state where he can set up a fascist, racist black power stronghold. He’s delusional. There are a ton of American’s that are willing to exercise their right to bear arms to protect their individual states.
Speakers at this hateful event included representatives from the New Black Panther Party and other organizations such as city-level Black Lives Matter groups and the National Action Network. That pretty much spells it out for you right there. They hate whites, Jews and cops. And they especially hate President Trump. Shabazz, who organized the rally, has his panties in a wad because Trump called NFL has been Colin Kaepernick a son-of-a-bitch for kneeling during the National Anthem. Hey, if the moniker fits jackass.
“If you’re a son of a bitch, as Donald Trump says, who is your mama? Where I come from, you talk about my mama that’s some fighting words. Where I come from, a man don’t let nobody talk about his mama like that; he’s ready to throw down. Where is your toughness, black man? Where is your hard-nosedness, black man? Where is your anger, black man? Where is your militancy, black man? Donald Trump says black men are sons of bitches and thereby he calls, pardon me, but I have to say it, he calls the black woman a bitch as well,” he decried to chants of “Black Power” from the crowd. “The black woman is the mother of all living things on the planet… Your women didn’t take care of your babies. It was black women on the plantation that took care of your little nasty babies.” These are radicals and communists. They are terrorists and since they are clinically insane with hate, they are very, very dangerous.
Shabazz was far from done going after Trump: “Donald Trump, the black man is not a son of a bitch. He is the original man. He’s the maker. He’s the owner. He’s the cream of the planet Earth, father of civilization and he’s the God of the universe. He is your father, cracker. Donald Trump, I’m your daddy. I’m your daddy and you’re a child that’s out of line. This is a child in the White House throwing a temper tantrum every five minutes – what kind of fool is this, unable to control his emotions?” Talk about a God complex and a power freak.
See the full story here.
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