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How Does This Guy Keep His Job? Days After Violent BLM Protests, Riots and Lootings – Dr. Fauci Expresses Concern Over Protests Spreading COVID-19

In April Dr. Fauci was quick to condemn the anti-Lockdown protesters who were protesting for their right to make a living and do business.

Fauci tore into those protests saying ignoring his guidelines would backfire.

But last week Dr. Fauci did not run to the morning shows during the George Lloyd protests and riots.

Some protests are more acceptable than others.

Thousands of mostly leftists took to the streets to protest police.
Thousands more rioted and looted several US cities.

On Saturday Dr. Fauci went on the radio to express concern about the “peaceful protests” after several cities had already been looted and burned.

Earlier today on GMA Fauci expressed concern over the mass protests and riots in the past week.

Read the full story from The Gateway Pundit

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