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HUGE! MAJOR SCANDAL UNCOVERED=> Internet Sleuths Put Together Bombshell Hidden in Friday’s DOJ IG Report – Involving Weiner Emails

The DOJ IG’s report released on Friday was a bombshell. Now we know hidden in it were pieces of information that when put into context with information released at that time indicate unimaginable corruption!

The DOJ IG’s report related to the many lies made by former FBI Head Andrew McCabe is 39 pages in length. (See report hereWe reported on Friday our summary of the report. One key item that was included in the IG’s report was related to Anthony Weiner’s emails.

We stated –

The report includes little mention of Anthony Weiner’s laptop emails other than to mention that a meeting was scheduled to get a search warrant to request the emails on October 27th, 2016.  The emails were the suspected cause […]


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