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Idiots In Media Attack Republican Louie Gohmert For Repeating Something Nancy Pelosi Said In 2018

Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas was trying to make a point this week when he repeated a quote from Nancy Pelosi last year about uprisings. He was trying to point out the hypocrisy of Democrats.

The idiots in our media immediately started accusing Gohmert of fomenting violence.

Have we reached peak stupidity yet?

The Federalist reports:

Media Are Accusing A Republican Lawmaker Of Insurrection For Quoting Nancy Pelosi

Corporate media journalists and left-wing activists took to social media on Wednesday to spread claims that Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas is in favor of inciting insurrection.

“Here’s a quote. ‘I just don’t even know why there aren’t more uprisings all over the country, and maybe there will be,’” Gohmert said on the House floor […]

Read the full story from American Lookout

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