The office of inspector general Michael Horowitz is probing into a possible promise that Hillary Clinton made to Andrew McCabe to make him FBI director.
Deputy FBI director McCabe reportedly told people that he was in line to take over for James Comey in the event of a Hillary Clinton presidency, top Department of Justice officials revealed to True Pundit.
McCabe was fired before his planned resignation but insiders seem to think that he will still receive his government pension.
The FBI Ethics Office recommended firing McCabe, who clearly violated the Hatch Act by campaigning for his candidate wife, but the Hatch Act violation — it turns out — was the least of his offenses.
Big League Politics exposed McCabe on June 14:
“Russia” special counsel Robert Mueller has formed a political team with his friend, fired FBI director James Comey, and the current FBI director Andrew McCabe to work together against President Donald Trump. But Mueller and Comey are not the ringleaders. Surprisingly, it’s McCabe.
An inside source told Big League Politics that McCabe is “running the show,” and “he’s the key.”
“Mueller and McCabe are assembling a better political operation than Hillary had in the campaign. The trio of Mueller/McCabe and Comey are all creatures of the swamp,” the source explained. “Any Republican who thinks this isn’t a political operation and isn’t geared toward impacting 2018 and beyond is absolutely nuts.”
“I think McCabe is the most politically savvy given how he navigated the controversy with his wife’s campaign donations and the Clinton investigation,” the source continued.
McCabe took over when Comey got fired and quickly set up the team’s power play. McCabe said that Comey did not get fired from the FBI for performance issues. That sets up the premise for a potential obstruction of justice move by the McCabe-Mueller-Comey trio.”
But the team’s ploy to go for an obstruction of justice charge against Trump does not make any sense, considering the fact that Comey admitted under oath that Trump did NOT obstruct justice in the case. Comey would be vulnerable to a perjury charge if he changes his tune.
Big League Politics reported on July 23: “Mueller’s 13-member Dream Team is comprised of anti-Trump stalwarts including three Democratic Party donors, legal representatives for Hillary Clinton during her email scandal, and vociferous anti-Trump tweeter Preet Bharara, who was fired by Trump from his position as a U.S. Attorney within the Department of Justice. These conflicts of interests, especially pertaining to Clinton, make it necessary for some members of the team to recuse themselves. If they don’t, they can be disbarred.”
Additionally, the Deep State itself might be in trouble when it comes to off-the-book shenanigans.
“It turns out that fired FBI director James Comey had Hillary Clinton’s definitive backup email device the entire election.
Court records show that the Connecticut-based email storage company Datto handed over a “device” consisting of five or six disks to the FBI in October 2015. Insiders believe the device potentially contains every electronic communication that Hillary Clinton sent or received during her tenure as Secretary of State. James Comey spent his entire FBI investigation missing many Hillary Clinton emails and communications, according to the official version of events.
The FBI handed the device over to the State Department, which has not searched it at all.
“We don’t know what the FBI did once they had the device and the information on it. What we know is since the investigation ended in July of last year the material found on that device has been forwarded from the Justice Department to the State Department,” Michael Bekesha, a Judicial Watch senior lawyer working the case, told Big League Politics in an exclusive interview.
“I don’t know what it suggests. The State Department now has it. We know that the State Department has not gone through it. Five disks of information. It may have been six, the number changed,” Bekesha said. “They said there are thousands of records on whatever was turned over from the Datto device and eventually they will get around to reviewing those records and getting them to us in response to our FOIA.”
“Until the State Department releases the information, we will not know: what was on there that Hillary Clinton did not turn over? What did Huma Abedin not turn over? Are there emails from Chelsea Clinton on the server?,” Bekesha said. Judicial Watch continues to find new Hillary Clinton emails on a regular basis.
Citizen researcher Larry Kawa, who brought the case to Judicial Watch, told Big League Politics that the device contains “everything.”
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