A viral video shows a very frail-looking Rep. Jerry Nadler (D. NY) insisting that there is no Antifa violence happening in Portland. Instead, he claims, nothing is happening there. “That’s a myth that’s being spread only in Washington, D.C.,” he says.
It’s obvious that Nadler is watching only the lovingly curated footage that the media and the left (but I repeat myself) release. Meanwhile, the internet is awash in images of fiery, violent, brutal protests in Portland, something the media refuse to show.
Here’s the Nadler footage (which came originally from Essential Fleccas) contrasted with some footage of the violence he’s denying:
Can someone please explain to me how this works? We are willing to spend all credibility to defend what can be INSTANTLY invalidated. Who came up with this policy, why does it exist, and how is anyone able to maintain it without deviating from the script?pic.twitter.com/K4RFozkQde
— Eric Weinstein (@EricRWeinstein) July 27, 2020
Derek Hunter, in one of his podcasts, said that what we’re seeing is the difference between daytime and nighttime reporting. When the media go out in the day, they film images of people behaving with moderate civility. At night, they capture only carefully stage-managed protests.
Read the full story from American Thinker
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