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Left-wing media will say anything and destroy anyone to topple Trump

For those who seek the truth by way of credible facts and corroboration, these are trying and troubling times, as things have changed dramatically.  Gone are the days when people demanded verification, solid proof, and objectivity before rendering judgment.  Today, many people blindly and willingly accept information from the media that is uncorroborated, unverified, unreliable, factually deficient, or the result of slanted reporting simply because it aligns with what they want to hear (or what they believe).  Corroboration and factual verification appear to have taken a back seat.  All that is needed today is a good story that can negatively impact the president.  This practice has resulted in many erroneous stories that have hurt and vilified many people.  It has also created a dangerous precedent that places the story ahead of the presumption of innocence (due process) and treats people as simple “write-offs,” or pawns, in furtherance of a specific political agenda.

Unfortunately, there are too many recent examples where the “story” was more important than the actual facts and the rights of the human beings who were allegedly at fault.  For example, Jussie Smollett recently claimed that he was beaten up […]

Read the full story from American Thinker

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