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Liberal FOX News Personality Juan Williams Worries Trump Will Refuse To Leave Office If He Loses In 2020

Juan Williams is one of the most liberal commentators on FOX News. In a recent column at The Hill, Williams suggested that Trump may refuse to leave office if he loses the 2020 election. How utterly ridiculous.

The Washington Times reports:

Juan Williams warns: Trump may ‘refuse to leave’ White House if he loses in 2020

Juan Williams is worried that a Shakespearean tragedy awaits the nation in 2020 if President Trump loses his re-election bid.

The fictional witches in “Macbeth” chanted “double, double toil and trouble; fire burn and caldron bubble” as they worked their magic, but the Fox News analyst says Mr. Trump has a “witches’ brew” that is legitimately dangerous.

Read the full story from American Lookout

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