The Communist dictatorship is just going to have to go back to its old reliance on Canadian pedophiles.
Cuba is in the top four child sex destinations for Canadians in the Americas. The others are Mexico, Brazil and the Dominican Republic.
In 1978 I spoke with Puerto Rican Nationalist Rodolfo Rivera Rios, who had just voluntarily returned to the U.S. from Havana to face charges for airline hijacking. He said that he quickly became disillusioned and disgusted with the Robotlution soon after arriving in Havana in 1971, when a 12-year-old girl offered to have sex with him in exchange for a succulent sandwich that he bought at a store for foreigners.
Bernie Sanders would like to point out that Fidel loved the children.
“Everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world,” Sanders says in the archival video. “All the Cuban people were going to rise up in rebellion against Fidel Castro. They forgot that he educated their kids, gave them healthcare, totally transformed the society.”
See the full story here.
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