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Mueller Did NOT Interview Spy Natalia, As New York Prosecutors Charged Her To Keep Her OUT of the Country

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s report admits that Mueller’s office did not interview Natalia Veselnitskaya for its report, which could have shed serious light on the Operation Crossfire Hurricane plot to target President Donald Trump and his associates. Veselnitskaya had dinner with Fusion GPS head Glenn Simpson the night before and the night after her meeting with Don Trump Jr. in Trump Tower in New York City.

“Trump Jr., Manafort, and Kushner participated on the Trump side, while Kaveladze, Samochornov, Akhmetshin, and Goldstone attended with Veselnitskaya. The Office spoke to every participant except Veselnitskaya and Trump Jr., the latter of whom declined to be voluntarily interviewed by the office,” the Mueller report states on page 117.

The report also states that “Veselnitskaya and Aras Agalarov made at least two unsuccessful attempts after the election to meet with Trump representatives to convey similar information about Browder and the Magnitsky Act.”

Read the full story from Big League Politics

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