There’s stupid, there’s pig-stupid, and there’s Oregon.
That’s the astonishing picture we have here where a suspect, Domingo Lopez, Jr., 45, who had been arrested just 12 hours earlier for setting fires, got somehow let out and proceeded to commit to more arson, with the Antifa weapon of choice, the Molotov cocktail, as if that couldn’t be foreseen. The second time around, he set six fires.
Who needs global warming with guys like this?
The big fail here was from the justice system, which let the known firebug, freshly caught in the act, out and about. Obviously, there’s something going on with this. How could anyone in authority be this stupid?
It’s sheer lunacy to let a caught-in-the-act arsonist out at a time of high fires and not guess he’ll go back to the same thing he was caught doing earlier. But that’s exactly what happened.
According to the Washington Examiner:
The man was released, but police said he then started six more small brush fires early Monday morning along the freeway. “Portland Fire and Rescue extinguished three of them while passing community members put out the other three. All were caught early. […]
Read the full story from American Thinker
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