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President Trump Might Nominate Herman Cain To Be Only African-American on Fed Reserve Board

President Donald Trump is reportedly considering Herman Cain for one of the two empty seats on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, prompting panic from the Democrat media establishment. Conservative economist Steve Moore is also being eyed for the other vacant seat.

If he gets the job, Cain will be the only African-American on the board, which currently consists of three white men and two white women.

The pizza magnate is a favorite with the tea party, which bodes well for President Trump as he publicly battles the Fed for their onerous interest rate hikes to slow President Trump’s economic recovery following years of relative stagnation in the aftermath of the Bush administration’s financial collapse and the Obama administration’s anti-growth social programs including Obamacare.

Of course, the Democrat establishment media is in a hateful frenzy to stop Herman.

Read the full story from Big League Politics

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