Rep. Ilhan Omar has been in Congress less than a month and is already making her mark.
Unfortunately for her, the “mark” she is making is as one of the most nauseating anti-Semites in the House.
But it’s not her fault, she says. Really. She’s “befuddled,” she claims.
Washington Free Beacon:
In November 2012, before running for Congress, Omar claimed in a tweet that Israel had “hypnotized the world” to hide its “evil doings.”
The comment is reminiscent of the anti-Semitic idea of unnatural Jewish influence and control over the world. Various Jewish Americans have criticized Omar for the tweet, such as the New York Post’s David Harsanyi, who said she “used a well-worn anti-Semitic trope about the preternatural ability of a nefarious Jewish cabal to deceive the world.”
Omar previously maintained during her campaign and media appearances since her election that criticism of her tweet was “without merit.”
Apparently, at the time, she thought the criticism was without merit because her slander was true. But finally, she has seen the error of her ways and begs everyone’s pardon for being a hater.
In a series of tweets Tuesday, however, Omar expressed regret for using the term “hypnotized.” […]
Read the full story from American Thinker
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