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Secret dissident in Venezuela tells the story of how Venezuela self-colonized for Cuba

A lot of people don’t think Venezuela’s story is important, a useful warning of how a big successful state can become a vassal of communist tyrants. But with Joe Biden in the saddle, brought in with fraudulent elections same as Venezuela’s dictators were, handing out cheap citizenship to swell the voter rolls for the left, enacting cancel culture, allowing violent mobs to enforce a sort of ‘order,’ ruling by decree, purging the military, and packing the courts, maybe that could change. After all, that’s what happened to once-free Venezuela.

Worst of all, its leaders had so little faith in the Venezuelan people they sold their country to a dictator — a really filthy one with one of the world’s vilest human rights records and history of economic meltdowns — Fidel Castro of Cuba, and then robbed and impoverished their country.

So the story is coming out, from a secret dissident buried deep inside the Chavista regime. In a new book, featured by indispensible Cuban-American blog Babalu, Alberto de la Cruz has found this gem, and he begins:

No matter how much they try to portray U.S. relations with Cuba’s Castro dictatorship as a “relic of the Cold War,” […]

Read the full story from American Thinker

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