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Teen Vogue: ‘We Need to Think Beyond the Incorrect Idea That Periods Are Just for Women,’ Wants Tampons Provided in Men’s Bathrooms

Teen Vogue, the publication that encourages teenagers to consider sex work, is now telling their young readers that “we need to think beyond the incorrect idea that periods are just for women” and that tampons should be available in men’s bathrooms.

In an op-ed for “National Period Day,” Courtney Roark, the Alabama policy and movement building director at URGE: Unite for Reproductive & Gender Equity wrote that “we’ve been socialized to understand reproductive health, including periods, assumes a person’s gender indicates their reproductive organs — which is not the case.”

“The truth is, not all women menstruate and not all people who menstruate are women,” the op-ed asserted.

The article argued that feminine hygiene products should be “freely accessible in schools, shelters, and prisons, […]

Read the full story from The Gateway Pundit

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