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That Was Embarrassing! Kamala Harris Grills Judge Kavanaugh for 7 Minutes About Mueller Only to Find Out He Worked with Mueller (VIDEO)

Democrats are pushing California Senator Kamala Harris for president.

She’s not the brightest bulb in the tent.

On Thursday Harris grilled Judge Brett Kavanaugh for 7 minutes on Robert Mueller and the law firm Kasowitz Benson Torres law firm. Kamala Harris wanted to know if Judge Kavanaugh ever spoke with someone at Kasowitz Benson Torres law firm or anyone at the firm about the Mueller special counsel.

Kasowitz Benson and Torres hires 350 lawyers and has offices in several states.

After being asked about Bob Mueller Kavanaugh replied, “You ask if I ever had a discussion about Bob Mueller, I used to work in the administration with Bob Mueller.”

Read the full story from The Gateway Pundit

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