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The China virus is the new climate change

Joe Biden is betting on the China virus to put him in the White House.  It’s not just that whining about the virus is all he’s got to oppose Trump’s believable promises that he’ll repeat his extraordinary economic success, create peace in the Middle East, and continue stabilizing the border (which hugely benefits blacks and Hispanics).  Instead, Biden is focusing on the China virus because it’s replaced climate change as a way to control Americans.

Up until February, leftists never stopped talking about climate change.  They claimed that it was and would be responsible for just about everything bad in the world.  The following is a minute portion of climate change evils pulled from a list of hundreds of claimed climate horrors:

Conservatives often ask, “Is there anything climate change can’t do?” The answer is “no,” because leftists need climate hysteria to achieve two goals: less human activity and more government control.  Naturally, neither goal involves clamping down on China, which accounts for a disproportionate amount of the world’s CO2 output.

Read the full story from American Thinker

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