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The Goya CEO is back, telling Dems the ‘hatred and destruction’ is moving Latinos to Trump

Just when the Democrats thought it was safe to go back into the leftist Latinx narrative, out comes the Goya CEO, Bob Unamue, and he’s warning that “hatred and destruction” from the riotous destruction of small businesses are driving Latino voters to President Trump. He has that way of reading the reality.

Unamue spoke with JustTheNews’s John Solomon, and painted Democrats an ugly, if real picture:

The rise in support for Trump is due to “fatigue over all the destruction and hatred, tearing down businesses, by people — a lot of people that are from outside the community — because if you’re within the community, you’re building it, you don’t want to tear down what you just built,” Robert Unanue, President and CEO, Goya Foods, told Just the News in a video interview. “And this is organized. People coming in from the outside to destroy. And so you know, we have two paths to take: Love and build, hate and destroy. We need to take the path of loving and building. And that’s why we’re looking at prosperity. How do we get our country back on our feet, and prosper in all aspects. So let’s love. Let’s build.”

Read the full story from American Thinker

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