President Donald J. Trump made it very clear in Wednesday’s post-midterm press conference: the GOP is now the party of Trump.
“On the other hand you had some that decided to let’s stay away, let’s stay away,” he said while discussing losing GOP candidates. “They did very poorly. I’m not sure that I should be happy or sad. But I feel just fine about it. Carlos Curbelo. Mike Coffman. Too bad, Mike. Mia Love. I saw Mia Love, she called me all the time to help her with a hostage situation, being held hostage in Venezuela. But Mia Love gave me no love, and she lost. Too bad. Sorry about that, Mia.”
Trump has a point. The America First movement that was embraced by Republican voters – the one the cares about secure borders, a strong economy and American exceptionalism – is a winning formula for the GOP. The Republican establishment that is all-too-cozy with special interest donors and the Democratic party was wholly rejected in 2016. Those GOPers who want to stay relevant need to start answering to those voters who have made it clear that they support Trump in putting America first.
Read the full story from Big League Politics
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