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Trump soars in the polls for his stellar economy

In a bit of unwelcome news for his socialist, left-wing Democratic challengers in the coming 2020 presidential election, President Trump is soaring in the polls for his economy.

Here’s The Hill’s report just out:

President Trump’s approval rating on the economy has hit a new high, according to a CNN poll released on Thursday.

A majority of respondents — 56 percent — said they approve of Trump’s handling of the economy, compared with 41 percent who disapproved.

The president’s previous high mark on the economy in the CNN poll came in March 2017, when 55 percent approved of his work.

and there’s also this:

Fifty percent of those polled in the new survey said he has done a good job at keeping the promises the made on the campaign trail. Forty-six percent said he had done a poor job and 4 percent had no opinion.

The economy was Trump’s best issue tested in the CNN poll, which found his approval ratings dipped below 50 percent in other areas.

Read the full story from American Thinker

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