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University of Minnesota Webinar Lecture Contains 12-Step Program Offering “Recovery from White Conditioning”

The University of Minnesota recently held a “webinar series” featuring a lecture, “Recovery from White Conditioning,” that offered 12 steps to rid oneself of “white supremacist” thinking and behaving.

The webinar series was put on by the university’s Center for Practice Transformation and hosted by Cristina Combs, a therapist who—go figure—is white. According to the website, Combs struggled “to navigate the role and presence of whiteness in her personal, academic, and professional journeys” and thus developed the “Model of Recovery from White Conditioning” out of these “struggles.”

Here are the program’s 12 steps that, as Daily Wire points out, sound similar to those of Alcoholics Anonymous:

Step 1: “We admitted that we had been socially conditioned by the ideology of white supremacy.”

Step 2: “We came to believe that we could embrace our ignorance as an invitation to learn.”

Step 3: “We develop support systems to keep us engaged in this work.”

Read the full story from Big League Politics

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