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Useless White House Reporters Waste America’s Time Accusing Trump Of Racism Over Virus Name (VIDEO)

With Coronavirus, America has a serious crisis unfolding daily.

The Trump administration is working hard to stem the spread of the disease, while trying to keep the economy moving.

These are major issues that will impact millions of Americans.

What are journalists in the White House press pool asking Trump? They want to know why he keeps calling it the China virus, because they think this is racist, which it isn’t.

News Busters reports:

ABC, PBS Team Up to Call Trump ‘Racist’ During COVID-19 Presser

During Wednesday’s coronavirus press conference at the White House, ABC’s Cecilia Vega and PBS’s Yamiche Alcindor worked together to claim that President Trump’s use of the term “Chinese virus” was “racist” and “puts Asian Americans at risk.” […]

Read the full story from American Lookout

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