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Watch Democrats Tie Themselves In Knots Trying To Excuse Biden’s ‘You Ain’t Black’ Comments (VIDEO)

Joe Biden’s recent comments about how black people ‘aren’t black’ if they don’t support him were absolutely outrageous.

It was an insult to black Americans and people everywhere.

Everyone knows that if Trump had said something similar, Democrats and the media would be using it to attack Trump on a daily basis and offering it as proof that he is not fit to be president.

Instead, Democrats are bending over backwards to excuse the comments, say that Biden was only kidding, and that everyone should just move on.

Take a look:

Such hypocrisy.

Miranda Devine of the New York Post says this was Biden’s ‘deplorables’ moment:

A ‘deplorables’ moment for Joe Biden shows why he won’t win the black vote.

Read the full story from American Lookout

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