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WHAT COULD GO WRONG? Rep. Ilhan Omar Wants To Overhaul American Foreign Policy

If you had to pick one member of Congress to overhaul American foreign policy, who is the last person you would select? Would it be Ilhan Omar of Minnesota?

That’s exactly what she wants to do. She wants something as sweeping as AOC’s Green New Deal.

Townhall reports:

Ilhan Omar Wants to Overhaul U.S. Foreign Policy From the ‘Perspective of a Foreigner’

Anti-Semitic Democrat Congresswoman Ilhan Omar, who blames the current crisis in Venezuela on the United States, wants a “Green New Deal” style overhaul of U.S. foreign policy. Omar argues she is best suited to lead the charge for major foreign policy changes because she has “the perspective of a foreigner.”

Read the full story from American Lookout

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