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While Millions Are Forced Not to Work, State Dept Hiring More People

Millions of people have been forced to close their businesses or not go to work. Some middle class folks are going to food banks. Meanwhile the insane administrative state has decided to place a puff piece touting the State Department, the part of government that most directly caused the outbreak by bringing infected people to the United States, for doing just that, and then hiring more people.

Words come to mind. Like, “Wait”, “Why”, and “What the Hell”.

We were critical — now the State Department deserves credit – The Hill

Critical in spreading the virus? Yes you were.

President Trump had been told that nobody with the coronavirus would be flown to America.

The State Department decided to do it anyway without telling him and only made the announcement shortly after the planes landed in the United States.

According to the Washington Post, as unfriendly an outlet to the administration as there is, “Trump has since had several calls with top White House officials to say he should have been told, that it should have been his decision and that he did not agree with the decision that was made.”

Read the full story from Front Page Mag

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